Hey! I 'see' you! So Glad You're Here.
This is a safe place dedicated to love in all its many forms ... for better or for worse! First and foremost, however, it is about celebrating THE most loved blind cat on the planet.
Ailurophile's will relish it. Mark Twain would be delighted!
This is a giant roller-coaster of a novel in 400 sizzling chapters. A searing indictment of domestic servitude in the 18th century, with some hot gypsies thrown in ... oh sorry, no, that is Edmund: A Butlers Tale from Blackadder ... FOCUS narrator!
Sophie's story by contrast begins on the streets of Brisbane, Australia, and is a tail (sic) of survival, challenge, adaptation, setbacks, perseverance, teen-pregnancy, trust, adoption, skill, a good slice of old fashioned luck, and love. It is a victory very much against the odds. You can begin to follow Sophie's story HERE
Intertwined with Sophie's 'magnum opus', Lovesblind will also pose questions, put forward theories, share personal experiences, and celebrate the 'power-of-love'. For richer or poorer, every aspect of our daily lives is impacted by love.
And for those who love travel and have ever visited (or wanted to visit Japan), or who have considered meaningful travel as a pilgrim, checkout the story of one man's obsession with Shikoku88, Japan's 1,200yo circular pilgrimage.
Welcome to Lovesblind we hope you find something you relate to ... and a little joy!