Meet Sophie's Clowder

Most Loved Blind Cat on the Planet
Sophie ('Wisdom' - Greek)
Sophie is a marvel. Born on the streets of Brisbane without eyes, Sophie managed to survive for 12 months before she was rescued, heavily pregnant, by the feline saviours at Little Paws Kitten Rescue
See pics here >

Sophie's One-eyed Adopted Sister
Omi ('Supreme Almighty' - Sanskrit)
Omi is anything but 'Almighty'. She's a one-eyed, black ratbag. Her self-appointed role is to terrorise Sophie and keep her on her toes ... think Cato from the Pink Panther movies! Watch 'Cat Cato' HERE
See pics here >

Cleopatra's Cat Reincarnated - R.I.P.
Koneko (Kitten - Japanese)
Koneko lived for 2 decades and remained the loyal friend of a sensitive little girl right up until the end. Smart, agile and sassy, she was a boss ... THE boss! But most of all, she was graceful and wise.
See pics here >

The Ginja Ninja
Nala (Nanie - Ellie-ish)
'Silly Nanie' is the regular cry with this eccentric kitty. She has her own unique perspective on the world and the simplest of things seem to capture her interest for no apparent reason. Look at the intent in those eyes!
See pics here >

Handsome Big Boy 2020
Arthur (Lion King)
Arthur is a 'Covid Kitty'. Born from a purebred Mum who had a 'thing' for a boy from the wrong side of the tracks, Arthur is a gentle, free-spirited, large-bodied boy ... oh did we mention he is sooooo HANDSOME?